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How Python parses and obtains URL parameters and uses

2022-06-09 | Web | #Words: 461

The steps for Python to parse and obtain URL parameters are as follows.

URL for example is https://www.example.com/?keyword=abc&id=12

First import urllib.parse in Python3

This module is used to parse the URL into parts (note that it is parsing a string, so it needs to be quoted):

>>> from urllib import parse


>>> from urllib.parse import urlparse

Then use urlparse to convert the string to the URL

>>> url=parse.urlparse("https://www.example.com/?keyword=abc&id=12")

or directly

>>> url=urlparse("https://www.example.com/?keyword=abc&id=12")

Now the url variable contains each part of the URL, as follows:

>>> url
ParseResult(scheme='https', netloc='www.example.com', path='/', params='', query='keyword=abc&id=12', fragment='')

You can access the content in the following ways. Here we will access query part as an example:

>>> url.query

Convert to dictionary

If you want it returns dictionary, use parse.parse_qs:

>>> parad=parse.parse_qs(url.query)
>>> parad
{'keyword': ['abc'], 'id': ['12']}

You also can get the value of some queries, as follows:

>>> para.get('id')

or directly

>>> parse.parse_qs(url.query).get('id')

Convert to list format

If you want it returns list, use parse.parse_qs:

>>> paral=parse.parse_qsl(url.query)
>>> paral
[('keyword', 'abc'), ('id', '12')]

It is not as convenient and directly to use as dictionary, as follows:

>>> paral[0][0]

For a more details, you can view the official documentation: https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.parse.html

I hope these will help someone in need~